Don't miss the next session on Friday, October 22 from 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., hosted by the Maryland Nursing Workforce Center. You can earn up to 1.5 contact hours attending this workshop! Learn more below and stay up-to-date on additional sessions at the MNWC Events Page as well as on the LNF Career Portal.
Download any handouts and learn more about this third session here: https://www.nursing.umaryland.edu/mnwc/events/#1.3
Overview of Next Generation Questions
presented by Desiree Hensel, PhD, RN, PCNS-BC, CNE
Friday, Oct. 22, 2021 noon – 1:30 p.m.
Online via Zoom
Nurses may receive 1.5 contact hours for attending this activity.
Session Description:
In this session, the participant will review Next-Gen item types and consider their use in testing each step of a clinical judgment model. The session also includes information on scoring each item type. Session Learning Objectives:
After engaging in this session, the participant will be able to:
Choose the appropriate test item type to measure each step of a clinical judgment model.
Calculate a score for each item type.
Session Preparation:
Prior to attending this session, participants should be familiar with the NextGen Test Item Types and how they are used to test each step of a Clinical Judgement Model. Read NGN News, Fall 2019, Item Types and NGN News, Summer 2021, Scoring https://www.ncsbn.org/15991.htm
Hensel Presentation Slides PDF
Sample Question Templates DOCX
Changing Item Format Practice DOCX
Dickison, P. (2021). Next Generation NCLEX Update. https://www.ncsbn.org/2021_MYM_pdickison_NGN.pdf PDF
Dougherty, C. (2020). Prioritization & clinical judgment for NCLEX-RN®. FA Davis
Ignatavicius, D. (2021). Developing clinical judgment for professional nursing and the Next-Generation NCLEX-RN® Examination. Elsevier
Rupert, D. (2020). NCLEX-RN: Alternate format questions. Lippincott.
Continuing Education: Nurses may receive 1.5 contact hours for attending this activity. To receive CE, submit the following: Completed activity evaluation that will be sent to you via email and complete the acknowledgment section of the evaluation. Nurses will receive a CE certificate via email from the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) within two to four weeks after submitting the completed forms and fee. The University of Maryland School of Nursing is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation. This workshop is offered at no cost through funding by the Nurse Support Program II (NSP II 20-125), which is funded by the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission and administered by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.