Let's meet another Nurse Support Program (NSP) II Cohen Scholar!
Who are the Cohen Scholars? From the Nurse Support website:
The Cohen Scholars are recognized as the next generation of nurse educators to fill the positions needed now and in the future.
This NSP II program provides funding for Cohen Scholars to complete the necessary graduate degrees and coursework to prepare to become a nurse educator or faculty in the state of Maryland.
Join us in meeting some of the Cohen Scholars across the state of Maryland!
Cindy Roles, MSN, RN, CNML, completed the Master of Science in Nursing, Leadership in Nursing Administration program as a Cohen Scholar at Notre Dame of Maryland University. She works as Associate Faculty at NDMU as well as a Senior Director, Med/Surg, at MedStar.
Professor Roles is passionate about giving back to the nursing profession as both an educator and a leader. She has completed the MedStar and Wharton's Leadership Development Program and is also a Certified Nurse Leader and Manager (CNLM). She was also named the Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce 2015 Harbor Hospital Emergency Person of the Year!
Professor Roles was kind enough to answer a few questions below about her experience:
What drew you to a career in teaching?
"For me, teaching is a way to give back to the profession I love so dearly."
What are the two most important things you’ve learned as you've prepared for a career as an educator?
"The first, is that a successful educator must also commit themselves to be a lifelong learner.
The second, is that education and leadership overlap in many ways."
What has your experience as a Cohen Scholar been like? How has this program impacted your career path?
"The Cohen Scholars program allowed me an opportunity that I wouldn't have otherwise had, to advance in my educational goals.
As a result, I've seen advancement in my career, in addition to expanding my skillset by teaching."
Tell us about the steps/processes that helped you acquire your first teaching position.
"The team of educators at Notre Dame not only help inspire me to teach but also helped in my transition from student to associate faculty."
Thank you to Professor Roles for taking the time to share your story with us and for pursuing a career that leads the nursing profession forward!
Stay tuned for our next Cohen Scholar Spotlight.
Are you a Cohen Scholar who would like to share your story? Reach out to us at leadnursingforward@gmail.com!