In this series, we are shining a light on nurses in Maryland who Lead Nursing Forward.
Meet Dr. Laura Schenk, DNP, RN, CNE, Nurse Support Program (NSP) II Grant Administrator.
In the final part of this feature, Dr. Schenk shares her vision for NSP II.
You can watch the video featuring photos and the voice of Dr. Schenk, or read the transcript below.
What is your vision for NSP II?
"I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work with Nurse Support Program II because it is my job to celebrate and brag about the amazing achievements of so many wonderful nurse educators in Maryland.
This work is so rewarding because it directly impacts the nursing workforce shortage in my home state.
My vision for NSP II is for it to stay at the forefront of current statewide needs for nursing education and remain a leading source of support that is informed by those on the frontlines who are teaching at the Maryland schools of nursing.
NSP II has been providing funding to address the nursing workforce shortage in Maryland since 2005, and I hope that it will continue to provide support for many years to come!"
Learn more about Nurse Support Program II and catch up on Part One and Part Two of Dr. Schenk's feature if you missed them.
Thank you to Dr. Schenk for her continued efforts to support and celebrate Maryland nurse educators through the great work being done at NSP II!