Join us in celebrating International Women's Day (IWD) and all of March as Women's History Month!
Did you know that the earliest celebration of women dates back to the early 1900's? Learn more at the International Women's Day website.
You can also learn about the history of the women who have been leading nursing forward since the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago on the NLN website.
The first nurses association in the United States was the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools of Nursing. This organization would become the National League of Nursing Education in 1912 and finally became known as the National League for Nursing in 1952. The NLN celebrated their 125th anniversary in 2018.
"The NLN’s rich history of leadership in nursing education is highlighted by extraordinary nurse leaders who accomplished reform and transformation of nursing and nursing education. "
Let us recognize the women nurse leaders and educators, past and present, who lead the nursing profession forward!